txt –Value “Hello”’, logoutput => true, provider => powershell, } } The three parameters I use in this manifest are command, logoutput and provider. 0. PATHEXT is a Windows-specific variable that lists the valid file extensions for executables. Setting the path for the echo binary, this isn't normally necessary for system commands but useful to know about. So your string is. Any recommendations on running. Now I am running an exec command which takes alias and crt file as an argument in exec command resource. 1 Answer. Your require parameter is only indicating that the exec resources should be handled before the file resources, not that their "return value" should indicate whether to create the resource or not. vendor/ --without system_tests --without development --without release bundle exec rake test Authors. For this step, we add a statement to check the operating system and run the appropriate firewall commands. This can be one file or a directory of manifests to be evaluated in alphabetical order. refreshonly not working with Puppet exec resource. tries: number of times to try the exec. So likely not what the. txt', This command will write the following text to /tmp/output. 1. . Explanation. The command will only run if the file doesn't exist. The command can be a simple string, which is executed as-is, or an Array, which is treated as a set of command arguments to pass through. exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -file C: est. puppet: if one file exists then copy another file over. There's a generalizable form of this dependency that might be helpful in reducing the repetition of the require statement. 0', #Puppet redirects to SysWOW64 by default command => 'Powershell. See provider/exec. For example, command => 'cmd. The list of directories where Puppet looks for modules is called the modulepath. It is used to enforce property values such as owner, mode etc. Any command in an exec resource must be able to run multiple times without causing harm --- that is, it must be idempotent. Puppet uses both the %PATH% and %PATHEXT% environment variables to resolve the executable. Open a new PowerShell window to re-source your profile and make PDK available to your PATH. I am poorly familiar with the puppet language but would guess something like this to execute the jar file: exec { 'jar_execution': command => 'cmd. Valid options: String. 2. Share. You can do this either by choosing your command carefully or by using the returns parameter. You can read more about it here. For example, command => 'cmd. Unfortunately that's not how puppet works. The BoltSpec library includes the run_plan function which is used to run a plan. So having Puppet do it automatically will help with that. Windows services support a short name and a display name, but Puppet uses only short names. An "if" statement takes a Boolean condition and an arbitrary block of Puppet code, and executes the code block only if the condition is true. The files Puppet Directory. 1. This seems like a perfect use-case for Hiera matching on facts. Add the following code inside your mymodule::class: Expand. }Maybe. I'm having difficulty figuring out how to run a python script on the agent server. By placing the Exec shown above in a global location (like your site. onlyif => "/sbin/swapon -s | /bin/grep file > /dev/null" - This step works only if there is no swap in place, but if the swap file is already created, then the step fails. 160/ java -Xmx256m -Duser. Doing some research, and looking at blog posts, I know that the structure of my code should be something along the lines of (I know it's not correct): exec {'function_name': # the script that downloads/installs/activates etc. The whole idea of adding this step is to check and execute the command- makeswap only if the swap is not in place. When the exec package (lowercase) is used for declaring the resources, we use Exec. The command will only run if the file doesn't exist. Stack Overflow. The search path used for command execution. 0. Note the following details in this file resource example: Puppet uses a basic syntax of type { title: }, where type is the resource type. Puppet doesn't work that way - The earlier exec will have it's onlyif condition evaluated, not execute a command, and the file resource will happen after the exec, regardless of it executing the command. Details on creating the $::ruby_gem_path custom fact depend on a number of factors, and in their full generality they are rather too broad for SO, but PL provides good documentation . Doing so would not make much sense to me, since one would expect that for a resumption to have a different result would depend on the machine state being changed since the failure, and a machine-state change outside Puppet potentially invalidates the catalog that was being applied. This is a directory used by the Puppet file server. 81 1 7 Add a comment 2 Answers Sorted by: 2 The command string is containted within single quote marks and this is why the variable is not substitiuted. To use shell built-ins --- that is, to emulate the shell provider on Windows --- a command must explicitly invoke the shell: exec {'echo foo': command => 'cmd. Exec resources cannot set values that can be referred to by other code in the puppet manifest. If a type's namevar is an attribute other than name, this is listed in the type reference documentation. Puppet 3 is no longer supported, but we. They translate to Windows permissions as follows:. Teams. *`stack'/. The desired contents of a file, as a string. There's a few concepts here that you need to understand: Puppet is 'declarative', not a 'script'. This module is particularly helpful if you need to run PowerShell commands but don't know how PowerShell is executed, because you can run PowerShell commands. All I want is to pass these parameters through external file. when use puppet exec, we can add logoutput to make it log exec output content, but the output contains exec path like this: Notice: /Stage [main]/Main/Node [default]/SomeResource [1. There is also a second puppet exec resource that uninstalls 7-zip, lets call it uninstall-7-zip. file { '/var/owner => 'recurse => true, } As a matter of fact, Puppet currently cannot automatically create all parent directories. I'm having difficulty figuring out how to run a python script on the agent server. The generic way for "manually" creating a service in Windows is to use the sc. In this case, the resource type is file. So having Puppet do it automatically will help with that. Of all of the communication that occurs over TCP port 8140 with the Puppet server, one endpoint is a file server. 0 and above would look like this: exec { "apt-update": command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update" } Exec["apt-update"] -> Package <| |> Every time a package command is executed, the dependency (in our case 'apt-update') will be triggered fist. Creating an empty file because an echo would happen in the shell Puppet is running the command in, not the one we're looking at. This is usually the case - if you are on a 64-bit Windows OS, it is preferred that you use a 64-bit version of Puppet. By default, Puppet returns the first value it finds, but it can also continue searching and merge all the values together. Puppet. Check your syntax by entering puppet parser validate c:\myfiles\file. To run the tests install the ruby dependencies with bundler and execute rake: bundle install--path vendor/bundle bundle exec rake Bugs & New Features. exe -Command "& {Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted}"', logoutput => true }. Error: Validation of Exec[eval] failed: 'eval `ssh-agent -s`' is not qualified and no path was specified. PATHEXT is a Windows -specific variable that lists the valid file extensions for executables. But yes, it would be cleaner to build a simple script that wraps the actual call, and forks it into the background. Luka Kerr. PUPPET_TEST_LOG: when set, must be an absolute path to a file. ps1. You are declaring the Desired State, and puppet takes care of getting the target machine into that. Default: resource name. You can run tasks on a single node, on nodes identified in a static list, on nodes retrieved. returns: Sets the expected return code. exe' extension. I expect sooner or later Frederic Henri will arrive and explain the best way to do this, as whenever I Puppet+Vagrant I am doing it for testing purposes and therefore never have. Default: Undefined. I am running Puppet v3. This isn't how Puppet works. Puppet does not support a shell provider for Windows, so if you want to execute shell built-ins (such as echo ), you must provide a complete cmd. Now you just need to set up a file and exec resource. Let's say I have 3 files under /var/log/mylog/, I want to chown/chmod against them all in a batch instead of having 3 file resource sections in my puppet code. For Execs in particular, it follows that you must ensure that Puppet will correctly map exit status to success or failure. It's the first time I'm using an exec with Puppet but I'm not sorting out why it continues returning errors. fr. profile. This attribute is mutually exclusive with source and target. Yet when I run puppet agent -td I see that the puppet agent IS executing pkill -SIGQUIT mysqld; sleep 5; systemctl restart mysqld. A valid directory path to a module. By default, the file server looks through every module in the modulepath for a files directory. I am currently learning puppet, and I am attempting to have an exec that will notify another exec but only if the first exec is succsfull. When using cmd. For example, 'cmd. To ensure the resource is idempotent, specify one of the creates, onlyif, or unless attributes. 2. 1]/Exec [1. 8. There are three main ways for an exec to be idempotent: The command itself is already idempotent. The Forge is an online community of Puppet modules submitted by Puppet and community members. Note: The ‘path’ is the path to the directory where we have saved the tarball. Puppet ’s property support has a helper method called. Commands must be fully qualified if no path is specified. This module adds a powershell provider to the exec type, which enables exec parameters, listed below. Exec; Execute commands from Puppet Manifests; Globally Set Exec Paths; Nicer Exec Names; Run exec if file is missing; Control when an exec should run; Control Execs output; Services; Ensure service is running; Start service on boot; Ensure service is stopped; Don't start service on boot; Restart service when config changes; Facts and Facter. The source attribute is mandatory. However, some. For example: Duplication: Even though command is the namevar, Puppet allows multiple exec resources with the same command value. Installing Puppet modules for use within Vagrant is also kind of a different beast entirely when you are using them with the internal Puppet provisioner for Vagrant. UPDATE: After i tried wrapping the onlyif statement in powershell command, i was able to successfully run the powershell command directly using exec. Use the system path separator character to separate the directories in the modulepath list. A double-quoted string starts with double quotation marks and ends at second set. pp file) all execs will use that path by default, while still allowing you to add extra directories to the path where needed. Puppet Exec with no command. the code is working well with puppet apply, now when I am trying to write rspec test for the same, i am facing issues and getting failure messages. 6. Sorted by: 1. ) The exec has an onlyif, unless, or creates attribute, which. Add the following code inside your mymodule::class: Expand. I am poorly familiar with the puppet language but would guess something like this to execute the jar file: exec { 'jar_execution': command => 'cmd. When using cmd. Visit Stack ExchangeTrying to create an autostart directory on a rpi using puppet. yaml". I wonder if the syntax above used to work on a previous. The modulepath is an ordered list of directories, with earlier directories having priority over later ones. Although cleaner, that would probably require a lot more effort than it's worth. Teams. Puppet exec command with variable not executed. So, in order to avoid this I am adding the refreshonly parameter as follows. So it will likely work better if the command you are trying to pass will actually execute outside of Puppet. It is supposed to mkdir only if the location doesn't exist. Please qualify the command or specify a path. Puppet CookBook. I am new to Puppet. About; Products For Teams; Stack Overflow Public questions & answers;. Is it possible to pass the parameter in the foreman for that particular module? this is the puppet output I'm getting on the host:Once this is done, you can interact with puppet through bundler using bundle exec <command> which will ensure that <command> is executed in the context of puppet's dependencies. How can Puppet Exec logoutput without path. newtype (:yumgroup) do @doc = "Manage Yum groups A typical rule will look like this: yumgroup { 'Development tools': ensure => present, } " ensurable newparam (:name) do isnamevar desc 'The name of the group' end end. Write the replacement content inside the block and it will safely replace the target file. The following properties are available in the mysql_grant type. Make sure you are not subject to registry redirection or file system redirection. crt. This is because Puppet wants to be sure exactly which command we mean. rb in the Puppet source code. Exec; Execute commands from Puppet Manifests; Globally Set Exec Paths; Nicer Exec Names; Run exec if file is missing; Control when an exec should run; Control Execs output; Services; Ensure service is running; Start service on boot; Ensure service is stopped; Don't start service on boot; Restart service when config changes; Facts and Facter. onlyif => "/sbin/swapon -s | /bin/grep file > /dev/null" - This step works only if there is no swap in place, but if the swap file is already created, then the step fails. That means notify and require. This attribute is mutually exclusive with source and target. Multiple exec resources can use the same command value; Puppet only uses the resource title to ensure execs are unique. Newlines and tabs can be specified in double-quoted strings using standard escaped syntax — for a newline, and \t for a tab. If this parameter is set, then this exec will only run if the command has an exit code of 0. The issue is, while first two are correctly executed under "user", third command is executed in. To run a plan in a test, call the run_plan function: it 'calls the plan' do run_plan ('configure', { 'cleanup' => false }) end. pp. In this example, the title is C:Tempfoo. Shell built-ins. The command parameter is the PowerShell code you want to run on your node. Please qualify the command or specify a path. Setting an environment variable bar to equal foo. On *nix platforms, the command can be specified as an array of strings and Puppet will invoke it using the more secure method of parameterized system calls. Generally speaking, details of machines' current state on which Puppet is to base. The list of directories where Puppet looks for modules is called the modulepath. Teams. Q&A for work. Facter can take multiple --custom-dir options on the command line that specifies a single directory to search for custom facts. 1. exe /c echo "hello"'. The search path used for command execution. Facter attempts to load all Ruby files in the specified directories. You are misundersanding how Puppet works. Puppet exec: shell command returns "could not find command" 0. My exe file is accepting 3 parameters like param1, param2 and param3. 4. We've noted file system redirector and workarounds in troubleshooting. 10. In Ruby, command injection is introduced through commands like eval, exec, system, backtick (``) or %x() execution, or the Open3 module. 6. 2-rpms. This is a directory used by the Puppet file server. The source attribute of a file can be a Puppet URL, a local path, a UNC path, or a path to a file on a mapped drive. The external node classifier (ENC) script to use for node data. '/var/lib/certs': ensure => directory;. According to many howtos this is not a problem if you are using Puppet without Foreman, since you can put it in your site. pp file) all execs will use that path by default, while still allowing you to add extra directories to the path where needed. Multiple values should be separated by colons or provided as an array. exe /c echo "foo"', } If no extension is specified for a command, Windows will use the PATHEXT environment variable to locate the executable. Create fileserver. txt, for example, run:. Puppet ’s command line interface (CLI) consists of a single puppet command with many subcommands. I'm actually new. *puppet_stack. When declaring a Windows exec resource, the path to the resource typically depends on the %WINDIR% environment variable. After changing topology strategy, cassandra should rebuild keyspace - this is where puppet comes. You should add all relevant directories as resources instead. The file resource uses the title to determine where to create the file on disk. which uses path, the file's location on disk, for its namevar. Puppet and Windows handle directory separators and line endings in files somewhat differently, so you must be aware of the differences when you are writing manifests to manage Windows systems. . Several resource types (including file, exec, and package) take file paths as values for various attributes. The logoutput parameter just logs the output to the. If the path isn’t set, you must fully qualify the command’s name. Puppet variables are evaluated and used (only) as part of the catalog-building process, so their values are needed before any Exec runs. I am using Puppet 3. Directory separators in file paths. Module Description. *in. I would like to add a number of control gates into my manifest via onlyif and unless. (For example, apt-get update. If you do need to do it via say the exec resource, then @16c7x's statement is correct. pp and user ordering arrow (->) to execute it after all other classes. After enabling the repository, install the puppet package:Adding & might work when you're using provider => shell. (↑ Back to exec attributes) path. Refresh: exec resources can respond to refresh events (via notify, subscribe, or the ~> arrow). ¯_ (ツ)_/¯. tasks — Helper files that can be called as tasks on their own. The value of that attribute should be the name of a directory that should be the. Problem ist, windows does not have a built-in command line tool to unzip an archive. Commands must be fully qualified if no path is specified. The second one: #execute the following command exec { #this is our command name 'apt-get update': creates a instance of the resource. 1 Answer. 1 Answer. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, we use firewalld . Teams. file { '/var/owner => 'recurse => true, } As a matter of fact, Puppet currently cannot automatically create all parent directories. group on /bar/foo*': path => '/bin', command => 'chown user. This parameter doesn't cause Puppet to create a file; it is only useful if the command itself creates a file. Now, apply the manifest with puppet apply c:\<FILE PATH>\chocolatey. I don't think there's something built into Puppet. By default the Puppet agent installation does not change the systems' sudo secure_path configuration. Resource default for the exec type A resource default statement set default attribute values for a given resource type. e. By default, the file server looks through every module in the modulepath for a files directory. This module is particularly helpful if you need to run PowerShell commands but don't know how PowerShell is executed, because you can run PowerShell commands. The base module provides a base provisioning for all systems Puppet interacts with. Long answer. ; ln -s linkNdest linkNname", path => "/etc. Yet when I run puppet agent -td I see that the puppet agent IS executing pkill -SIGQUIT mysqld; sleep 5; systemctl restart mysqld. Both Service['multipathd'] and Exec["pvcreate ${device}"] will be applied after File['/etc/multipath. exe file is added to PATH on your Windows. password is not getting changed to the default password and also. This task needs puppet agent installed on the remote. This style guide promotes consistent formatting in the Puppet language, giving you a common pattern, design, and style to follow when developing modules. It sounds like this is exactly what you need: exec { 'test_cmd': path => $::path, command => 'cmd. You are declaring the Desired State, and puppet takes care of getting the target machine into that. Executes external commands. For example, for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7: # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-6. To expand on Matt's comment above, go to the server in question and run which pip to see pip's location (on my machine /usr/local/pip ), then append your exec command with the full path for pip, e. Defaults work with any resource type in Puppet. The solution is to invoke bash with the command as an argument, i. Don't use have puppet execute . Improve this answer. This consistency in code and module structure makes it easier to update and maintain the code. When using cmd. /splunk enable boot-start, that's not as nice. First I would like to use booleans as defined in Hiera [ auto lookup function ]. 1. Will the wildcard * can be used in puppet resource. puppet agent -td -. It should probably be php::php5enmod () and have it's own file. path - Specifies the PATH variable that contains pyvenv executable. File contents can be managed directly with the content attribute, or downloaded from a remote source using the source attribute; the. So you can set the path in an Exec block all you want and it won't do a thing for the rest of your blocks. Whether to replace the contents of any an existing file at the specified path. bat /reset Exec. rb instead of including them in the individual test files. exe" -argumentlist. 0 and above would look like this: exec { "apt-update": command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update" } Exec["apt-update"] -> Package <| |> Every time a package command is executed, the dependency (in our case 'apt-update') will be triggered fist. Puppet provides a built-in exec type that is capable of executing commands. But the exec resource have to be called only once. I have a requirement where one exec notifies another exec which notifies a defined resource type (which sets some variables and runs an internal exec). When using cmd. In fact, the autoload mechanism is responsible for making sure this directory is in Ruby’s search path. And after that, run puppet agent with pluginsync enabled, and you can use custom type like this:. I want puppet exec to run on first deployment of a file and on every further change on the file. pp and put this in it;Here is the PowerShell script: The script starts by ensuring it can run without any user input and then executes the command that downloads the MS Office 2019 update from Microsoft. Resource types mysql_grant. Learn more about TeamsI wasn't able to unzip an archive with the module counsyl/windows on Win7. Create a new security group with the name puppet-sg and for the description use Puppet communication between instances. I want to run a command in open source puppet to activate a Unity3D license, but I don't want the serial or the password in my git repo: exec { 'license-unity': command => '/opt/Unity/Editor. (↑ Back to service attributes) path. Puppet provides a built-in exec type that is capable of executing commands. In that case, the cwd attribute is surely incorrect: , and it probably is directly responsible for the issue you observe. Double click on the downloaded package to install. The complete manifest is compiled in one go, leading to an abstract representation, the catalog. exec — Uses an external node classifier (ENC), configured by the external_nodes. Duplication: Even though command is the namevar, Puppet allows multiple exec resources with the same command value. Default is false. exe /c C:/test. In your case, the Exec is always successfully applied. tar': cwd => '/var/tmp', creates => '/var/tmp/myfile', path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin',], } See full list on puppet. There are three main ways for an exec to be idempotent: The command itself is already idempotent. 0 a new feature "relationship syntax" was introduced. On *nix platforms, the command can be specified as an array of strings and Puppet will invoke it using the more secure method of. Default value: undef. 12 behavior got changed to match the intention. The shortest path to creating better Puppet modules. 1. I have written a user define type which downloads a file using wget and stores in /root. Technically, in fact, you cannot do so: Puppet will interpolate the variable's value into the Exec resource's catalog representation, so there is no variable left by the time the catalog is applied, only a literal. However, I strongly recommend that you do not use any kind of non-conditional exec with puppet. With this, one can define a single default path for the entire configuration. and refreshonly is set on the exec. , globally in /etc/profile; On each system, one needs to configure the server setting to the Puppet server’s hostname; make sure to restart the puppet service on the agent after making this change; One must connect the agents to. For example, command => 'cmd. pp. 4. exe /c echo "hello"'. pp file: sudo vi lamp/manifests/init. This example specifies defaults for the exec resource type attributes path , environment , logoutput , and timeout . For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, we use firewalld . This is only useful for those files that Puppet will load on demand, and is only guaranteed to work for those cases. Below is what I. 10. Windows services support a short name and a display name, but Puppet uses only short names. jar', } Should this be part of the manifest which could look like this?2 Answers. The logoutput parameter just logs the output to the. If you need help troubleshooting, attach the output of your Puppet runs (and puppetserver. To post to this group, send email to puppet. The shell script after running creates another conf file and places in a specific location /usr/local/conf/app. Unfortunately that's not how puppet works. pp in the command prompt. Depending on the circumstances and arguments, that file is not always read during shell initialization. Then, you can install the Nuget package via the package resource in Puppet. When I run puppet, the command is executed successfully but puppet exec doesn't make the necessary changes. Setting an environment variable bar to equal foo. x do the right thing here: $ cd /tmp $ echo foo >foo $ puppet apply -e 'file { "/tmp/foo": audit => "content" } ~> exec { "/bin/echo DING": refreshonly => true }' Notice: Compiled catalog for this-box in environment production in. you need to subscribe => Exec['register_host'], so you ensure that whenever the Exec['register_host'] is triggered your Exec['register_service'] is also triggered, you need to ensure that your Exec['register_service'] is called only as a consequence of Exec['register_host'] you need to run Exec['register_service'] only if the Exec['register. puppet module changes /etc/code/modules/stdlib: install: Installs a module. exe command? i. For example, this hiera. d/x exists then /bin/true is run (successfully). Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This isn't how Puppet works. This allows you to do something like this: The files Puppet Directory. exe invocation: exec { 'test':. Attributes exec { 'resource title': command => # (namevar) Theexec{ 'cmd /c copy /Y "sharelocfolder1folder2Mysoftware. Same as insert, except Puppet will ensure the value appears first. I have got it to work with the "exec" command, but that requires to use some command/script outside of Puppet. Follow. Please note, the information below is for guidance only and neither of these methods should be considered an. Default 0.